
How To Keep Busy During Lockdown

As we move through the UK’s lockdown due to Covid-19, your PMA may be wearing thin as the days blur into one. Easter Bank Holiday feels like a bizarre distant memory… so distant in fact, that we’re convinced it didn’t actually happen. Due to the shake-up in daily routines brought along by #StayHome, it’s likely that many of us have exhausted our new hobbies that we enthusiastically adopted at the beginning of this journey. If you’re twiddling your thumbs, wondering what self-isolation tasks to throw your attention to next, (after all, there’s only so many banana breads to make and drawers to rearrange) don’t despair.

Whether you’re hoping to fill this time productively -by learning a new language or channeling your inner creative- or you simply want to pass the hours, we’ve gathered our top recommendations on how to keep busy during lockdown.

We promise, there won’t be a single baked good in sight. 

Skill Development

It may feel as though someone has pressed the pause button on your working life, but that doesn’t mean personal development has to stop. Sites like Skill Share have thousands of free classes for you to browse, ranging from: ‘Mastering Illustrator’ to ‘How To Write the First Draft of a Short Story’. The site is aimed at allowing the user to develop new skills, deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity. With course categories spanning across: Writing, Business, Illustration, Photography, Design and Lifestyle, all taught by industry experts, there seems to be something for everyone. 

Skill Development

Open Culture also has a substantial list of free courses available, perfect for those wanting to educate themselves whilst simultaneously filling all of that newly acquired spare time. In comparison to Skill Share, the site’s focus seems driven mainly by academia, however there’s still ample options to choose from!

Great for: Those hoping to utilise lockdown time productively. 

Virtual Events 

Organisations up and down the UK have adapted their events programme, to offer individuals meaningful workshops, webinars, meetings, Q&As, coffee catch ups (and too many more to list), all from the comfort and safety of your own home. For the most part, these virtual events are entirely free to attend. Notably, Avenue HQ’s partners Eagle Labs have devised an extensive events calendar, aimed at keeping virtual attendees clued up on Covid-19. In some instances, they’ve called upon industry specialists to answer any questions. They’ve also organised a vast amount of short lunchtime wellbeing sessions, which act as the perfect lunchtime relaxer. 

Head to the Eagle Labs Eventbrite for insightful virtual events that will keep you preoccupied over the coming weeks. 

Virtual Event

Great for: Those wanting to stay up-to-date with Covid-19 and general business news throughout lockdown.

Online Ephemera  

One positive that we may pluck from this confusing period, is the sheer amount of content that can now be consumed online that wasn’t previously available. For example, the team behind Culture Liverpool have brought the finest local and global culture, right to your laptop – uploading virtual tours of all notable art galleries to their website. Their hub – ‘Connecting Our Communities’– aims to keep you active, engaged and connected during Coronavirus. 

Another fantastic example of the arts diversifying digitally is the National Theatre’s YouTube channel. They’ve ramped up their use of the platform, by streaming a selection of productions. These can be viewed ‘live’ every Thursday at 7pm as part of the initiative ‘National Theatre at Home’. These streams are then available to watch for the following 7 days and are free for everyone to enjoy. If you’re missing comedic theatre in-particular, Soho Theatre have created an ‘On Demand’ service, where you can watch the widely acclaimed one-woman show, Fleabag. Proceeds from renting this production, all go towards Covid-19 related charities. 

If modern music is more your cup of tea, then head over to BidoLito!’s site. The culture/arts mag have not only pivoted their print magazine to now exist in the digital sphere, but they’ve developed ‘Friday Night Live!’ – a series a bedroom gigs performed by up- and-coming artists, local to the Liverpool area. The initiative is perfect for those missing the buzz of a live music session. Venturing outside of Liverpool, TicketMaster have curated a comprehensive list of gigs being live-streamed, which can be viewed here.

Great for: Those wanting to experience a bit of culture during lockdown.


Whether you’re feeling productive and wanting to utilise this time during lockdown thoroughly or instead, you’re taking a breather, you can stay connected with Avenue HQ and our wider community during Covid-19 by following us on Twitter.

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