
Networking Basics: Keeping The Connection

So you’ve made a new contact, great news! But it’s not over yet. If the connection you’ve made is not developed and nurtured, it could go cold. And all your hard work will have gone to waste.

Networking can benefit you in a wide variety of ways. From having influence in your industry, increasing career satisfaction to earning a promotion. Therefore, it’s worth investing in your connections to make sure your relationship goes from strength to strength, realising their potential.

There are lots of ways you can nurture your network, so why not try starting with these:

Social Media

It’s important to use social media with the right approach when it comes to networking. It can be a good way to initially introduce yourself online. So when you reach out to connect in person, or attend an event that your contact is at, you have already laid the foundation of the connection.


However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t solely rely on social media. Face to face meetings are important. Therefore, it’s wise to initiate a catch-up over coffee or invite a connection to an event that is of interest to both of you. Meeting with a new connection in person can take a relationship to a more personal level, a nice change from only speaking behind a screen.

Putting that extra effort in can pay off. If you need to ask for assistance or a favour in the future, you’re personal relationship may make your contact happy to help. 

Be Available (Most Of The Time)

And while on the topic of asking for favours, it’s important to note that you should be available to your connections more than the one time you need help from them. This shows that you are genuinely interested in maintaining the relationship. A good way to do this could be sharing an event or an article they might be interested in or engaging with their posts on LinkedIn.

Share Your Skills

You might not realise it at first, but you have a lot to offer other people. Don’t wait to be asked for help, be proactive in helping others. If you see someone is looking for a new role and you know your team is hiring, put them in contact. If someone is looking for speakers at an event, think about volunteering. If a connection posts about an interesting article on LinkedIn, comment your opinion. The gesture doesn’t have to be huge but by sharing what you have to offer, you’re displaying your commitment to maintaining a strong relationship.

So while you should stay busy making new connections, it’s important to give your original contacts some TLC too. Look no further than AHQ for a great selection of events over the coming months, and even better, a great opportunity to meet up with your contacts…

Liverpool – Avenue HQ St Paul’s Square

The Sales Dojo

An Introduction to the Dark Web 

Liverpool – Avenue HQ Mann Island

Your Journey Through Fundraising 

InnovateHer & Agent Academy Presents: Connected Liverpool


Business Funding Roadshow

Click here if you want to read our previous article about small ways to start networking.

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